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6 Reasons To Drink Fine Wine - Views ( 1860 )

6 Reasons To Drink Fine Wine

Welcome to the 6 Reasons To Drink Fine Wine Blog Last modified 2022-09-11

6 Reasons To Drink Fine Wine

6 Reasons To Drink Fine Wine

6 Reasons To Drink Fine Wine, Last Modified, 2022-09-11

"Wine and Cheese are Sure to Please."

  • It tastes so damned good
  • It can reduce your risk of dementia
  • It can protect you from sunburn
  • It can prevent blindness
  • It can apparently years to your life
  • It can reduce your risk of depression
"Salute, Cheers, Sante and Slainte."

Moderate drinkers were 23% less likely to develop dementia, Alzheimer's disease and other forms of cognitive impairment, but don't get it twisted or see this fact as a reprieve to drink heavily. More than three to five drinks per day was associated with a higher risk of dementia and cognitive impairment.

Dr. Sam Gandy, chair in Alzheimer's disease Research and professor of neurology at the Mount Sinai Alzheimer's Disease Research Centre, Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City continues"

h3>It tastes so dammed good...

The are many reasons to indulge in a glass or two of fine vino of course, the most obvious one probably being that it simply tastes amazing, particularly the good stuff and by that I mean fine wine as opposed to any old bottle of plonk.

But there are many more reasons including cultural, social and increasingly important the research we are uncovering with regards to the many health benefits of moderate alcohol consumption such as including wine and the red varietals in particular as part of a healthy diet and lifestyle.

I have written an article which takes a look at these benefits in a little more depth and there is an accompanying E-Book available to download for those who would like to keep it as a reference on their device, perhaps to read when justifying to ones self or companions the reasons for your indulgence!

"Red and White for a Good Night."

Wine is the primary dietary source of resveratrol, a stilbenoid. This is a type of natural phenol, and a phytoalexin produced by several plants in response to injury or, when the plant is under attack by pathogens such as bacteria or fungi. Red wine contains much greater amounts of resveratrol than does white wine, since resveratrol is concentrated in the grape skin and the manufacturing process of red wine includes prolonged contact with grape skins.

"Friends, like Wine, get Better with Time."

As a matter of fact, the association between moderate drinking and reduced risk of dementia and cognitive impairment was statistically significant in 14 of 19 countries, including the United States. Resveratrol, found in wine at fairly high levels, is a naturally occurring antioxidant too that decreases the stickiness of blood platelets and helps blood vessels remain open and flexible. It is also known that it inhibits the enzymes that can stimulate cancer cell growth and suppress immune response.

According to a study at the Loyola University Medical Centre, moderate drinkers are 23% less likely to develop dementia. For over thirty years research has been done and much debate has carried on about the benefits or risks associated with drinking alcohol and wine in particular. After an analysis of research since 1977, it has been determined that drinking moderate amounts of alcohol, especially wine, may lower the risk of dementia which often leads to severe Alzheimer's Disease. The opposite is true however, as too much alcohol was shown to increase the risk, so balance is necessary.

"Wine is Class in the Right Glass." According to a study at the Loyola University Medical Centre moderate drinkers are 23% less likely to develop dementia. For over thirty years research has been done and much debate has carried on about the benefits or risks associated with drinking alcohol and wine in particular.

After an analysis of research since 1977, it has been determined that drinking moderate amounts of alcohol, especially wine, may lower the risk of dementia which often leads to severe Alzheimer's Disease. Too much increases the risk so balance is necessary.

"Swirl and Sniff, just like a Spiff".

There are many reasons to indulge in a glass or two of fine vino of course. The most obvious one probably being that it simply tastes amazing, particularly the good stuff and by that I mean fine wine as opposed to any old bottle of plonk. But there are many more reasons including cultural, social and increasingly important the research we are uncovering with regards to the many health benefits of moderate alcohol consumption such as including wine and the red varietals in particular as part of a healthy diet and lifestyle.

I have written an article which takes a look at these benefits in a little more depth and there is an accompanying E-Book available to download for those who would like to keep it as a reference on their device, perhaps to read when justifying to ones self or companions the reasons for your indulgence! There are many reasons to indulge in a glass or two of fine vino of course. The most obvious one probably being that it simply tastes amazing, particularly the good stuff and by that I mean fine wine as opposed to any old bottle of plonk.

But there are many more reasons including cultural, social and increasingly important the research we are uncovering with regards to the many health benefits of moderate alcohol consumption such as including wine and the red varietals in particular as part of a healthy diet and lifestyle.

I have written an article which takes a look at these benefits in a little more depth and there is an accompanying E-Book available to download for those who would like to keep it as a reference on their device, perhaps to read when justifying to ones self or companions the reasons for your indulgence!

6 Reasons To Drink Fine Wine.


This E-Book publication is part of the E-Book series. It is intended as a general information guide and based on publicly available information and educational materials. It is intended to be incorporated as part of a general healthy lifestyle and in no way constitutes specific medical advice. Individuals with health concerns should always seek professional medical advice from their local general practitioner. See related article.

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