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LondonFitnesss' BLOG ( 5 articles!)

The London Fitness Academy - Views ( 917 )

The London Fitness Academy

Welcome to the The London Fitness Academy Blog Last modified 2018-05-09


The London Fitness Academy

The London Fitness Academy, Last Modified, 2018-05-09

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The London Fitness Academy was created to help aspiring fitness enthusiasts to become more informed about the prospect of a career in the fitness industry.

Sadly although it has been more than two decades since I first qualified as a fitness instructor, there are still thousands of poorly educated trainers and instructors out their, who teach poor and or dangerous techniques, or ineffective exercise prescriptions.

As a largely unregulated industry, it is full of nonsense and Hocus Pocus , fad diets and contraindicated exercise routines.

Instructors should be competent in some pretty basic skill-sets, including anatomy and physiology, exercise physiology, diet and nutrition and Kinesiology, which is the scientific study of body movement, as it relates to the general exercise instructors role.

The ability to teach a safe class including the basics of warming up, stretching and low and high impact aerobics, body conditioning and strength training and cool-down routines are just some of the essentials, and all to music, as this is how most classes are executed, and so a knowledge of basic choreography and routine planning is needed.

Instructors should understand that they potentially put their clients at risk, if they are not capable of prescribing basic safe exercise and nutrition advice.

It is therefore necessary for Instructors to adequately asses their clients suitability for any given workout routine by employing some sensible pre class screening or diagnostic questionnaires concerning their clients relevant medical health.

Instructors and trainers should be able to demonstrate their ability to monitor basic cardio vascular signs by have the the prerequisite knowledge to calculate resting and training heart rates, pulse monitoring and general fitness assessment techniques.

So much dietary nonsense advice is marketed these days which tends to have little basis in the facts. An instructor should know the basic food groups, how diet is composed of proteins carbohydrates and fats vitamin and minerals. Understand the fats and fallacies associated with food supplementation and the risks of overdosing on unnecessary often useless supplements and placebo style remedies.

The London Fitness Academy is on a mission to teach potential fitness trainers these essentials and more. No sports history or experience is required to start learning, just a keen interest in doing things right and a love of and belief in the benefits of exercise as part of a hole and healthy lifestyle.

We are planning the launch of some new courses soon so if this is of interest to you, please sign up to today as all OMB members automatically qualify for a 50% discount on LFA basic Membership.

Good look and great training.

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