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Patricias' BLOG ( 108 articles!) Listing and Selling Your Property - Views ( 1458 )

Listing and Selling Your Property Made Easier with

Listing and Selling Your Property Made Easier with

Listing and selling a property can come with hefty charges when dealing with traditional estate agents. However, offers an alternative solution, allowing sellers to avoid excessive fees and take advantage of an online property listing service. This article will explore the benefits and features of, a new social network and marketplace for property listings.

Save on Fees

Traditional estate agents often charge up to 5% of the property's sale value, but with, sellers can bypass these high fees. By utilizing the online property listing service, sellers can potentially save a significant amount of money. Your Online Property Listing Solution is an online marketplace that includes a dedicated property listing service. Sellers can easily sign up to the platform and upload property images to a gallery. To proceed, sellers need to purchase a Listing Product from the Online Store. Once the purchase is complete, takes care of listing the property on one of their sub-domains, ensuring maximum exposure through their marketing efforts.

Direct Communication

One of the advantages of using is the ability for prospective purchasers to communicate directly with the sellers. This direct contact is facilitated through the sellers' personal profile pages, allowing seamless communication and eliminating the need for intermediaries.

Comprehensive Messaging System provides a comprehensive messaging system, enabling sellers to manage property-related arrangements efficiently. Sellers can also create secure messaging groups when multiple parties are involved, ensuring effective communication throughout the selling process.

Legal Responsibility and Terms of Service

While assists with property listing and marketing, sellers remain responsible for listing their properties in compliance with local laws and regulations. emphasizes that it cannot be held liable for any misrepresentation of property particulars. The platform monitors activity, and members who breach the terms of service may face removal from the system.

Additional Services offers additional services to assist sellers with marketing and letting. Through their personal property agent contacts, they can help connect owners with potential buyers or tenants. The platform also provides access to solicitors, available for an extra fee, for those who require professional assistance.

Customized Support encourages sellers to reach out to discuss any special requirements they may have. The platform aims to provide personalized support to ensure a smooth and successful property marketing experience.

Visit to explore their offerings and take control of marketing your property today.

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When you create a free account and login we remember you, so you will always come right back to your personal profile page when you login. As a member you can follow / friend other members, post messages and comment on those posted by others. Members can even send private messages to individuals and groups. Members can post comments and receive status notifications whenever someone replies to you.

Professionals and Business owners might also be interested in writing articles or promoting services or products, pages reach readers in 110 countries globally and there are no listing fees for listing your products and services on your Free Online store. You only pay a sales commission if you make a sale on the platform. Your FREE Online Store is created automatically once you signup and a real person will always be available to help you list your products. Our stores are capable of delivering digital downloads so you can sell information products, games, tickets and more.

Advertisers who are fed up paying for non performing promotions on mainstream social media will be interested to know that we operate a strictly Pay for Performance (PPC) Pay Per Click service using bundles. So advertisers can simply decide the value of a click referral and only pay what the referral is worth (subject to negotiation). We operate a PayPerClick Tracking System that "Amortises" the Cost of a Bundle over the Number of Clicks. This ensures Advertisers only ever pay a fair price for clicks or referrals to their site.


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Patricias' BLOG ( 108 articles!)

Listing and Selling Your Property - Views ( 1458 )

Listing and Selling Your Property

Welcome to the Listing and Selling Your Property Car Blog Last modified 2023-06-23 13:59:23


Listing and Selling Your Property

Listing and Selling Your Property, Last Modified, 2023-06-23 13:59:23

Listing and Selling Your Property Made Easier with

Listing and Selling Your Property Made Easier with

Listing and selling a property can come with hefty charges when dealing with traditional estate agents. However, offers an alternative solution, allowing sellers to avoid excessive fees and take advantage of an online property listing service. This article will explore the benefits and features of, a new social network and marketplace for property listings.

Save on Fees

Traditional estate agents often charge up to 5% of the property's sale value, but with, sellers can bypass these high fees. By utilizing the online property listing service, sellers can potentially save a significant amount of money. Your Online Property Listing Solution is an online marketplace that includes a dedicated property listing service. Sellers can easily sign up to the platform and upload property images to a gallery. To proceed, sellers need to purchase a Listing Product from the Online Store. Once the purchase is complete, takes care of listing the property on one of their sub-domains, ensuring maximum exposure through their marketing efforts.

Direct Communication

One of the advantages of using is the ability for prospective purchasers to communicate directly with the sellers. This direct contact is facilitated through the sellers' personal profile pages, allowing seamless communication and eliminating the need for intermediaries.

Comprehensive Messaging System provides a comprehensive messaging system, enabling sellers to manage property-related arrangements efficiently. Sellers can also create secure messaging groups when multiple parties are involved, ensuring effective communication throughout the selling process.

Legal Responsibility and Terms of Service

While assists with property listing and marketing, sellers remain responsible for listing their properties in compliance with local laws and regulations. emphasizes that it cannot be held liable for any misrepresentation of property particulars. The platform monitors activity, and members who breach the terms of service may face removal from the system.

Additional Services offers additional services to assist sellers with marketing and letting. Through their personal property agent contacts, they can help connect owners with potential buyers or tenants. The platform also provides access to solicitors, available for an extra fee, for those who require professional assistance.

Customized Support encourages sellers to reach out to discuss any special requirements they may have. The platform aims to provide personalized support to ensure a smooth and successful property marketing experience.

Visit to explore their offerings and take control of marketing your property today.

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This article is free to read but you haven’t signed up for a free account yet. When you ’create a free account', we remember you, so when you ’Log In', you will always come right back to your personal profile page, with notifications and private messages, whenever someone replies to you. As a member you can follow / friend other members, post messages and comment on those posted by others. Members can even send private messages to individuals and groups.

Professionals and Business owners might also be interested in writing articles or promoting services or products, pages reach readers in 110 countries globally and there are no listing fees for listing your products and services on your Free Online store. You only pay a sales commission if you make a sale on the platform. Your FREE Online Store is created automatically once you signup and a real person will always be available to help you list your products. Our stores are capable of delivering digital downloads so you can sell information products, games, tickets and more.

Advertisers who are fed up paying for non performing promotions on mainstream social media will be interested to know that we operate a strictly Pay for Performance (PPC) Pay Per Click service using bundles. So advertisers can simply decide the value of a click referral and only pay what the referral is worth (subject to negotiation). We operate a PayPerClick Tracking System that "Amortises" the Cost of a Bundle over the Number of Clicks. This ensures Advertisers only ever pay a fair price for clicks or referrals to their site.

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