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Patricias' BLOG ( 108 articles!)

Inkjet Refill to Save Money - Views ( 1213 )

Inkjet Refill to Save Money

Welcome to the Inkjet Refill to Save Money Blog Last modified 2017-05-08

Inkjet Refill to Save Money

Inkjet Refill to Save Money

Inkjet Refill to Save Money, Last Modified, 2017-05-08

A familiar business model used by printer companies, is to sell the printer relatively inexpensively but make their money by selling expensively priced ink replacement cartridges.

This is both expensive and probably not that environmentally friendly. So in this short article which appears in both business and green blog categories we shall look at ways to be more green and save money at the same time, nice...

If, like me you wish to avoid the cost of such cartridges, this video I found explains how to refill and so reuse your existing cartridges.

You will save a packet on the costly inkjet replacement cartridges by doing so, £,6 versus £,25 is a considerable saving and makes the effort worth it in the long run I think.

You'll need a replacement kit, the cost of the ink is substantially less than replacement cartridges and as a bonus is more environmentally friendly as well.

All it takes is a bottle of printer-ink and a syringe.

Step 1: What You Need. Printer-ink. ...
Step 2: The Cartridge. There is a black spot on the white-sticker covering the top-cover of the cartridge. ...
Step 3: Refill Your Printer Cartridge. Draw ink into the syringe slowly and inject it into the hole. Just compare the price to cartridges

Obviously it is less messy and more time efficient to use the cartridges, that said , I found they tend to run out of ink so frequently you do spend a lot of time quewing up in WHSmiths to replace them.

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