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BPSs' BLOG ( 11 articles!) Upper East Side Townhouse - Views ( 1570 )


Town House Upper East Side

Town House For Sale

Main Entrance

Girl in a jacket

The Entrance Hall

Girl in a jacket

Dining Table

Girl in a jacket




Girl in a jacket




Girl in a jacket



Drawing Room

Girl in a jacket



Sauna and Jacuzzi

Girl in a jacket

Undeniably one of New York's grandest townhouse residences, this c1903 Beaux Arts mansion is a landmark home unparalleled in grace, style and prestige.

The majestic six-story limestone property takes pride of place in Manhattan's most elite enclave and embraces approximately 15,000 square feet of living space that has been beautifully restored, sympathetically updated and stunningly renovated with painstaking attention to detail.

It now provides a once-in-a-lifetime residential oasis of character, quality and distinction. An inspiring blend of traditional opulence and ultra-modern design make this stately residence a shining tribute to the 'Gilded Age Splendor' of yesteryear.

Originally designed and constructed by John H. Duncan (the legendary architect of Grants Tomb), its interiors are immaculately presented and feature soaring 17-foot-tall ceilings, ornate fireplaces with carved mantels, original malachite and mosaic floors and a magnificent marble staircase that makes a sweeping statement upon entry.

Each level is connected by a private elevator, including the spacious 2,500-square-foot rooftop entertainment terrace with its full outdoor kitchen, built-in BBQ grill and outdoor refrigerator, powder room, three-jet fountain, Zen rock garden and captivating views to Central Park.

There is a selection of generous formal and informal living spaces, a gallery and a third-floor master library with custom millwork paneling and leather panel inserts, as well as a ventilated 'smoking room' and billiards room serviced by a fully equipped wet bar.

The chef's kitchen will delight entertainers with its Carrara marble countertops, breakfast island bar and casual dining area. Six bedrooms are all well-proportioned and include a superb master floor that connects to a luxury hotel-style bathroom, as well as a dressing room, and private access to a three-room guest suite.

On the basement level, a spa is fully fitted out with a massage room, sauna, plunge pool, a gym with fritted glass rooftop and natural daylight, a wine cellar with handmade oak millwork, and a service entry.

It's the finer details that truly set this iconic residence apart from its peers. For example, there are glass shelves, a lighted handbag display and a temperature controlled vault for furs, high-tech controls and, of course, snow melt frost sidewalks.

This incomparable property exudes excellence and forms a breathtaking part of the Upper East Side's celebrated streetscape just off Fifth. It is exclusively addressed in an area rich in fine restaurants, shops, boutiques, and theaters as well as being just a half block from Central Park and a block from The Pierre Hotel.

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BPSs' BLOG ( 11 articles!)

Upper East Side Townhouse - Views ( 1570 )

Upper East Side Townhouse

Welcome to the Upper East Side Townhouse Car Blog Last modified 2021-09-07


Upper East Side Townhouse

Upper East Side Townhouse, Last Modified, 2021-09-07

Town House Upper East Side

Town House For Sale

Main Entrance

Girl in a jacket

The Entrance Hall

Girl in a jacket

Dining Table

Girl in a jacket




Girl in a jacket




Girl in a jacket



Drawing Room

Girl in a jacket



Sauna and Jacuzzi

Girl in a jacket

Undeniably one of New York's grandest townhouse residences, this c1903 Beaux Arts mansion is a landmark home unparalleled in grace, style and prestige.

The majestic six-story limestone property takes pride of place in Manhattan's most elite enclave and embraces approximately 15,000 square feet of living space that has been beautifully restored, sympathetically updated and stunningly renovated with painstaking attention to detail.

It now provides a once-in-a-lifetime residential oasis of character, quality and distinction. An inspiring blend of traditional opulence and ultra-modern design make this stately residence a shining tribute to the 'Gilded Age Splendor' of yesteryear.

Originally designed and constructed by John H. Duncan (the legendary architect of Grants Tomb), its interiors are immaculately presented and feature soaring 17-foot-tall ceilings, ornate fireplaces with carved mantels, original malachite and mosaic floors and a magnificent marble staircase that makes a sweeping statement upon entry.

Each level is connected by a private elevator, including the spacious 2,500-square-foot rooftop entertainment terrace with its full outdoor kitchen, built-in BBQ grill and outdoor refrigerator, powder room, three-jet fountain, Zen rock garden and captivating views to Central Park.

There is a selection of generous formal and informal living spaces, a gallery and a third-floor master library with custom millwork paneling and leather panel inserts, as well as a ventilated 'smoking room' and billiards room serviced by a fully equipped wet bar.

The chef's kitchen will delight entertainers with its Carrara marble countertops, breakfast island bar and casual dining area. Six bedrooms are all well-proportioned and include a superb master floor that connects to a luxury hotel-style bathroom, as well as a dressing room, and private access to a three-room guest suite.

On the basement level, a spa is fully fitted out with a massage room, sauna, plunge pool, a gym with fritted glass rooftop and natural daylight, a wine cellar with handmade oak millwork, and a service entry.

It's the finer details that truly set this iconic residence apart from its peers. For example, there are glass shelves, a lighted handbag display and a temperature controlled vault for furs, high-tech controls and, of course, snow melt frost sidewalks.

This incomparable property exudes excellence and forms a breathtaking part of the Upper East Side's celebrated streetscape just off Fifth. It is exclusively addressed in an area rich in fine restaurants, shops, boutiques, and theaters as well as being just a half block from Central Park and a block from The Pierre Hotel.

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