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Monkey Magic Reaching Gandhara - Views ( 888 )

Monkey Magic Reaching Gandhara

Welcome to the Monkey Magic Reaching Gandhara Music Blog Last modified 0000-00-00


Monkey Magic Reaching Gandhara

Monkey Magic Reaching Gandhara, Last Modified, 0000-00-00

I was a huge fan of the Monkey Magic show back in the day. Monkey Magic was a Japanese Fantasy TV Series which aired weekly in the early evenings midweek at about 6.30pm. I recall the show would finish just as I had to leave the house to attend my local sports club and I would literally be transfixed to the screen hanging on to the very last moment to hear the closing theme song "Monkey Magic Gandhara Song by Japanese Rock Group Godiego.

The Monkey Magic TV Show and its theme music are considered a cult classic and I'm not surprised as for me back then it was enchanting. The music tells the story of Monkey played by Japanese actor Masaaki Sakai, who is a skilled martial arts fighter who becomes a brash king of a monkey tribe and of his epic journey protecting a monk, Tripitaka who is played by the Japanese Actress Masako Natsume.

The group encounter many challenges with epic battles ensuing along the way, each with evermore fantastic fighting scenes, unbelievable magic and plenty of humour.

Monkey is accompanied by a couple of equally fantastic friends, Pigsy, a pig monster consumed with lust and gluttony, played by actor Toshiyuki Nishida and Sandy the water monster, played by Japanese Actor Shiro Kishibe. You can listen to the theme music by playing the YouTube video embedded in this blog.

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Monkey Magic Gandhara Song by Godiego

Monkey Magic Reaching Gandhara



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