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Earn OMB Coin from playing Games - Views ( 2710 )

Earn OMB Coin from playing Games

Welcome to the Earn OMB Coin from playing Games Sports Blog Last modified 2022-03-07

Earn OMB Coin from playing Games

Earn OMB Coin from playing Games

Earn OMB Coin from playing Games, Last Modified, 2022-03-07

What is OMB Gamer?

OMB Gamer is an online gaming platform which publishes games for the web. Games can be played on most modern web browsers. Game developers can publish games then license them to Game hosts or Influencers via the Marketplace or promote their own games. Game hosts or influencers essentially build Game Portfolios which can generate OMBCoin income when games are played. Fans may also support game hosts and influencers by sending Subs to support their favourite content creators.

What are OMBCoin Subs?

Some games on the OMB Gamer platform are "FREE TO Play", so players have the option to give tips or subs in the form of "OMBCoin" on a voluntary basis.

Some game hosts prefer not to charge to play their games and rely on the tips they receive, both charging or relying on tips are valid business models. This also means that game players do not necessarily need OMBCoins in their wallet in order to play a game. And if they play and like the game, they might just choose to return and give a sub after they buy OMBCoin with OMBTokens.

Some games of course do require OMBCoin balances as they are an Integral part of the game itself. Such games use OMBCoin as part of the "reward system" and so access to these games is dependent upon the player having a minimum OMBCoin start balance in their OMB Wallet.

What is the In Game Currency OMBCoin?

Gamers "in-game" currency is a digital coin system used as a currency for the purpose of playing games, sending subs, and sharing earnings and paying for game use. Gamer has a fully integrated wallet system.

What is the Gamer Wallet?

Your OMB Wallet is a ledger system which records and tracks all of your transactions and balances. It reports your earnings and subscriptions. It tracks OMBCoin and OMBCash and any PayPal transactions. You can trade OMBCoin through the wallet.

How do I get OMBCoin?

If you have no OMBCoin or your balance is too low to play games you can earn OMBCoin by hosting games or buying them with OMBCash. If you have no games to host, you can start a game portfolio buy purchasing a hosting licence from a game developer via the marketplace. If you have games in your portfolio you can receive OMBCoin in the form of Subs from your fans who choose to subscribe to your games. Also when your fans play your games you will receive an OMBCoin revenue share from the Platform Commissions which are automatically deducted from players who play games with OMBCoin.

How do I Fund My OMBCash Account?

To fund your OMBCash account go to your OMB Wallet and click the OMBCash Tab. Click the Fund My Account Button. You will be taken to a product page, then simply proceed to the checkout by clicking the Add To Cart button then simply checkout. Once the transaction is complete you will return to OMB and your transaction will be reflected in your OMB Wallet. It is also possible to go to the Marketplace directly and find a token of a different value and purchasing it. As OMB Tokens are tradable on the marketplace.

Do I have to Buy OMBCash tokens?

If you want to get started with no money you can publish a game and host it yourself. This is FREE to do. Once people start playing your game you will earn OMBCoin.

Do I have to be a game developer to publish a game?

No, you can publish Guest Games which are games in your portfolio that are embedded via a URL link. If you want to generate OMBCoins from a game the code will need to be approved and uploaded. We can support you with this as your game code will need to integrate the OMBCoin App.

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Earn OMB Coin from playing Games

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