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McFlys' BLOG ( 14 articles!) Anti Social Behaviour At Luxury London Apartment Complex - Part Two - Steaming Damp Clothing Hanging In Your Neighbours Window - Views ( 995 )


Dear Reader,

Re: Anti Social Behaviour At Luxury London Apartment Complex - Part Two. Steaming Damp Clothing Hanging In Your Neighbours Window.

You are probably only too aware that the lease of most private apartment complexes prohibits the display of laundry in windows. For most of us we clearly understand the reason leaseholder properties must protect the general user from this anti social act which is a proven risk to human health. Hanging clothing in a window is basically a serious health hazard. This article addresses some of the issues created by this type of antisocial act in apartment blocks.

1. What are UK Slum or Ghetto Landlords and why are they a problem to British Society?

You probably don't think of yourself as a Ghetto or Slum landlord, but if you directly or inadvertently permit your tenants to live in Ghetto or Slum conditions, this is precisely what you are. If you recognise yourself from the following description then there is a good chance that you could fairly be viewed as a Slum / Ghetto Landlord, by your neighbours and tenants.

Slum Landlords tend not to use professional letting agents, agents charge for their professional services, and Ghetto Landlords like to avoid paying money, at all costs, forgive the pun... Professional letting agents typically are members of professional property management organisations or associations such as ARLA. The Association of Residential Letting Agents. Such professional bodies hold their members up to a minimum set of standards, designed to protect both landlord and tenant. Ghetto and Slum landlords are happy to have below the bar standards, they are typically too self interested and short term focused to invest the time in learning their trade. Consequently theirs is a trade in Human Misery

Of course these So Called Professional Property Associations are not always so great, some are basically a mechanism to protect themselves and a conduit for selling insurance. They also possess limited legal power, as they are basically voluntary as opposed to obligatory or regulated associations, unlike say legal, medical and financial professional bodies.

We see that most "Residential Retail Landlords" as a body are not professional. They are commercial, and there is a difference. Professionals spend many years to gain qualifications that are regulated. Retail Property Landlords, on the other hand, tend to be money focussed, get rich quick thinkers, who increasingly are happy to take out mortgages to finance slummy accommodation for an army of immigrants.

Many take advantage of the state welfare system, squeezing out rents for dubious properties, some of which are artificially created, using other peoples addresses. Yes ID Fraud is rife in the property landlord game.

The levels of professionalism within the Landlord Ranks, is sadly rather small. I'm not sure of the precise figures, nobody can keep track, but if I had to estimate, I'd reckon that perhaps one in five hundred so called retail property landlords hold any recognised qualification in professional property management.

What are the most common complaints we hear about amateur residential property landlords?

One of the most common complaints we hear is that of landlords who permit, though their incompetence in communicating lease regulations, the hanging of steaming wet clothing in the front windows of apartment blocks. Many landlords permit their tenants to do this because they don't use professional letting agents, who would provide a tenancy pack containing the rules of community behaviour, rules which typically reflect the lease rules terms and covenants.

If tenants actually knew the rules of the property in which they live, they almost certainly wouldn't wish to break them. However the reality is that the tenants who do persistently break rules are almost certainly unaware of how their antisocial behaviour is affecting others who live in the same quite often tightly packed community.

2. How Are UK Slum Landlords Committing Benefit Fraud Costing The Taxpayer Twelve Billion a Year?

These tenants are typically brought in from overseas communities, often where the culture and standards of behaviour are not the same as we expect here in the UK. By not providing professional landlord services to incoming tenants, landlords are effectively Importing lower standards, this creates Ghettos and Slums, by virtue of the accumulation of a set of sub par social behaviours. The required standards are enshrined in every lease, term by terms they spell out the rights and obligations of those who use property. Property rights belong to us all and when Slum Landlords import these lower standards they are in breach of the regulated lease terms.

3. What are the Tell Tail Signs That a UK Property Is Owned By a Slum Landlord?

I recently visited the tenants of a flat at a "So Called" luxury complex in West London. I was there to make a friendly complaint about the persistent noise and leaks coming from their flat. This flat had flooring that was clearly installed by an amateur fitter. The underlay was below the regulations code and the carpets wall to wall was absent, although a stipulation of the lease. Because the floorboards were not properly laid in this flat, these floorboards creaked very badly.

Whilst visiting as a guest in this at the flat, I found it difficult to hold back my sadness, for the poor people, forced to live in these unsanitary conditions. These people were not aware that the results of them leaving washing hung in their windows over a prolonged period was quite literally the cause of a wall of dark green and black mould covering the entire width of the bay window area.

These tenants were actually very nice people, well educated in fact with tertiary educations, but they moved eventually moved out, due to the embarrassment. I assumed that after some period decoration and another leak, this time caused by the winner of the award for "The Worlds Worst Plumber", I assumed, the problems of persistent noise would cease.

I was therefore quite saddened to discover that the new tenant made just as much noise, creaky floorboards reverberating for hours each and every day, and today I witnessed the hanging of wet laundry. Wet laundry, which caused steam to cover the windows. Not only does wet clothing look unsightly hanging in the windows of apartment blocks, the dripping steam and build up of moisture down the entire window was bad enough but the window was not even opened to allow the moisture to escape.

Apart from the negative look this gives to luxury private apartment blocks, It is also quite devaluing. In fact eight out of ten people surveyed said they wouldn't live in a block of flats, if they saw neighbours hanging washing in the windows. Remember people are paying market rents, for luxury Accommodation, and so they expect a premium product. Damp clothing hung in windows is not a premium product. No letting agent worth their salt wants to do a tour of a building with a prospect to be greeted by someone's clothes in a window.

Tenants who breach the landlords lease by persisting in this behaviour are not only showing disregard for the rules but disrespect for the rights of other residents to not have to look at other peoples laundry in the front windows and it contributes to the overall dampness and moisture in the air.

4. What are The Health Hazards Of Living In an Apartment Block Belonging To A Slum Landlord.?

The increase in prevalence of moisture caused by damp clothes hung in windows creates mould and damp spores.

The increase in moisture creates mould spores spreads leading to health problems, for us all, I suffer badly with chest infection and have been serious ill in the past, and so I use a dehumidifier most days to clear the air and as moisture in the block is very high. I have had to treat damp patches coming though my sitting room ceiling in the past year because of the moisture in the flat above.

5. What are the Alternatives To Hanging Wet Clothing In Your Apartment Window?

  1. It is recommended to use the bathroom and a clothes horse in the bath to drip dry your clothing if you really have to.
  2. Alternatively, most normal humans, use a machine like a Washer / Dryer, A Washer Dryer lets you spin dry and dry your clothing, just study the spin and dry cycle label and away you go.
  3. There is the possibility of visiting a local laundromat, these are cheap and effective, and especially useful if you have a large load of washing to do, Laundromats often collect and deliver as a service.
  4. Apartments typically have spaces like kitchens, and spare rooms that can be used to hang out your laundry.

Please note that it is not recommended to use radiators to dry wet clothes. Radiators will create steam and condensation. This creates damp mould spores. Spores of mould cause serious lung infections. They hamper breathing and can be especially harmful to the infirm, old, and children.

Never hang your damp or wet clothes in windows, especially where the clothing is in full or plain sight of your neighbours. This is a breach of most residential landlord and tenant agreements, it is almost certainly a breach of the landlords lease, and it is definitely disrespectful to your neighbours and yourself. So have some self respect and keep you laundry out of sight.

The tenants in question have been hanging wet clothes in their landlords window for a long time, I have personally witnessed the build up of mould in their flat which had turned into black mould on the bay window. This is clearly a health and safety matter as it not only damages the flat, but creates unnecessary moisture.

6. How Are These Landlords Protecting Themselves From Their Antisocial Behaviours?

Typically these landlords are housing disadvantaged tenants, low on the socio economic scale, these tenants rarely complain to the housing authorities, or property management companies because of the fear of landlord reprisals. Landlords have their tenants over a barrel, as often they prepare the Housing Benefit claim Forms, for tenants, who are unaware of the money the landlord is receiving.

Slum Landlords will also play the innocent. Claiming that they provide high quality accommodation, and that they never never receive complaints. This is of course not true. It is better to report any valid complaints that you have about your antisocial tenants and neighbours to the Local Council, Property Manager or Police. Always document your complaints formally so that you can refer to this if and when you have to take matters further.

7. Is there anything we can do to protect ourselves against these slum landlords and the destruction they cause to the British Economy and decent UK Society as a whole?

Always make sure the property landlord is aware or complain about their anti social tenant. The landlord might actually not be aware of the problems his tenant is causing, but this is not genuinely the majority of cases. Just make sure that he is aware of your legitimate complaint, as I'm sure he would not wish his tenants to come down with lung infections. This might create a risk to him. These Landlords do not usually carry insurance to cover their neighbours and tenants, so be aware that if you get flooded, you might have an uphill battle to recover your costs.

If the landlord is unresponsive report him to the residents association, property or block manager or local council. You have the right to approach the Local Branch of your Citizen Advice Bureaux

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McFlys' BLOG ( 14 articles!)

Anti Social Behaviour At Luxury London Apartment Complex - Part Two - Steaming Damp Clothing Hanging In Your Neighbours Window - Views ( 995 )

Anti Social Behaviour At Luxury London Apartment Complex - Part Two - Steaming Damp Clothing Hanging In Your Neighbours Window

Welcome to the Anti Social Behaviour At Luxury London Apartment Complex - Part Two - Steaming Damp Clothing Hanging In Your Neighbours Window Car Blog Last modified 2021-07-13


Anti Social Behaviour At Luxury London Apartment Complex - Part Two - Steaming Damp Clothing Hanging In Your Neighbours Window

Anti Social Behaviour At Luxury London Apartment Complex - Part Two - Steaming Damp Clothing Hanging In Your Neighbours Window, Last Modified, 2021-07-13

Dear Reader,

Re: Anti Social Behaviour At Luxury London Apartment Complex - Part Two. Steaming Damp Clothing Hanging In Your Neighbours Window.

You are probably only too aware that the lease of most private apartment complexes prohibits the display of laundry in windows. For most of us we clearly understand the reason leaseholder properties must protect the general user from this anti social act which is a proven risk to human health. Hanging clothing in a window is basically a serious health hazard. This article addresses some of the issues created by this type of antisocial act in apartment blocks.

1. What are UK Slum or Ghetto Landlords and why are they a problem to British Society?

You probably don't think of yourself as a Ghetto or Slum landlord, but if you directly or inadvertently permit your tenants to live in Ghetto or Slum conditions, this is precisely what you are. If you recognise yourself from the following description then there is a good chance that you could fairly be viewed as a Slum / Ghetto Landlord, by your neighbours and tenants.

Slum Landlords tend not to use professional letting agents, agents charge for their professional services, and Ghetto Landlords like to avoid paying money, at all costs, forgive the pun... Professional letting agents typically are members of professional property management organisations or associations such as ARLA. The Association of Residential Letting Agents. Such professional bodies hold their members up to a minimum set of standards, designed to protect both landlord and tenant. Ghetto and Slum landlords are happy to have below the bar standards, they are typically too self interested and short term focused to invest the time in learning their trade. Consequently theirs is a trade in Human Misery

Of course these So Called Professional Property Associations are not always so great, some are basically a mechanism to protect themselves and a conduit for selling insurance. They also possess limited legal power, as they are basically voluntary as opposed to obligatory or regulated associations, unlike say legal, medical and financial professional bodies.

We see that most "Residential Retail Landlords" as a body are not professional. They are commercial, and there is a difference. Professionals spend many years to gain qualifications that are regulated. Retail Property Landlords, on the other hand, tend to be money focussed, get rich quick thinkers, who increasingly are happy to take out mortgages to finance slummy accommodation for an army of immigrants.

Many take advantage of the state welfare system, squeezing out rents for dubious properties, some of which are artificially created, using other peoples addresses. Yes ID Fraud is rife in the property landlord game.

The levels of professionalism within the Landlord Ranks, is sadly rather small. I'm not sure of the precise figures, nobody can keep track, but if I had to estimate, I'd reckon that perhaps one in five hundred so called retail property landlords hold any recognised qualification in professional property management.

What are the most common complaints we hear about amateur residential property landlords?

One of the most common complaints we hear is that of landlords who permit, though their incompetence in communicating lease regulations, the hanging of steaming wet clothing in the front windows of apartment blocks. Many landlords permit their tenants to do this because they don't use professional letting agents, who would provide a tenancy pack containing the rules of community behaviour, rules which typically reflect the lease rules terms and covenants.

If tenants actually knew the rules of the property in which they live, they almost certainly wouldn't wish to break them. However the reality is that the tenants who do persistently break rules are almost certainly unaware of how their antisocial behaviour is affecting others who live in the same quite often tightly packed community.

2. How Are UK Slum Landlords Committing Benefit Fraud Costing The Taxpayer Twelve Billion a Year?

These tenants are typically brought in from overseas communities, often where the culture and standards of behaviour are not the same as we expect here in the UK. By not providing professional landlord services to incoming tenants, landlords are effectively Importing lower standards, this creates Ghettos and Slums, by virtue of the accumulation of a set of sub par social behaviours. The required standards are enshrined in every lease, term by terms they spell out the rights and obligations of those who use property. Property rights belong to us all and when Slum Landlords import these lower standards they are in breach of the regulated lease terms.

3. What are the Tell Tail Signs That a UK Property Is Owned By a Slum Landlord?

I recently visited the tenants of a flat at a "So Called" luxury complex in West London. I was there to make a friendly complaint about the persistent noise and leaks coming from their flat. This flat had flooring that was clearly installed by an amateur fitter. The underlay was below the regulations code and the carpets wall to wall was absent, although a stipulation of the lease. Because the floorboards were not properly laid in this flat, these floorboards creaked very badly.

Whilst visiting as a guest in this at the flat, I found it difficult to hold back my sadness, for the poor people, forced to live in these unsanitary conditions. These people were not aware that the results of them leaving washing hung in their windows over a prolonged period was quite literally the cause of a wall of dark green and black mould covering the entire width of the bay window area.

These tenants were actually very nice people, well educated in fact with tertiary educations, but they moved eventually moved out, due to the embarrassment. I assumed that after some period decoration and another leak, this time caused by the winner of the award for "The Worlds Worst Plumber", I assumed, the problems of persistent noise would cease.

I was therefore quite saddened to discover that the new tenant made just as much noise, creaky floorboards reverberating for hours each and every day, and today I witnessed the hanging of wet laundry. Wet laundry, which caused steam to cover the windows. Not only does wet clothing look unsightly hanging in the windows of apartment blocks, the dripping steam and build up of moisture down the entire window was bad enough but the window was not even opened to allow the moisture to escape.

Apart from the negative look this gives to luxury private apartment blocks, It is also quite devaluing. In fact eight out of ten people surveyed said they wouldn't live in a block of flats, if they saw neighbours hanging washing in the windows. Remember people are paying market rents, for luxury Accommodation, and so they expect a premium product. Damp clothing hung in windows is not a premium product. No letting agent worth their salt wants to do a tour of a building with a prospect to be greeted by someone's clothes in a window.

Tenants who breach the landlords lease by persisting in this behaviour are not only showing disregard for the rules but disrespect for the rights of other residents to not have to look at other peoples laundry in the front windows and it contributes to the overall dampness and moisture in the air.

4. What are The Health Hazards Of Living In an Apartment Block Belonging To A Slum Landlord.?

The increase in prevalence of moisture caused by damp clothes hung in windows creates mould and damp spores.

The increase in moisture creates mould spores spreads leading to health problems, for us all, I suffer badly with chest infection and have been serious ill in the past, and so I use a dehumidifier most days to clear the air and as moisture in the block is very high. I have had to treat damp patches coming though my sitting room ceiling in the past year because of the moisture in the flat above.

5. What are the Alternatives To Hanging Wet Clothing In Your Apartment Window?

  1. It is recommended to use the bathroom and a clothes horse in the bath to drip dry your clothing if you really have to.
  2. Alternatively, most normal humans, use a machine like a Washer / Dryer, A Washer Dryer lets you spin dry and dry your clothing, just study the spin and dry cycle label and away you go.
  3. There is the possibility of visiting a local laundromat, these are cheap and effective, and especially useful if you have a large load of washing to do, Laundromats often collect and deliver as a service.
  4. Apartments typically have spaces like kitchens, and spare rooms that can be used to hang out your laundry.

Please note that it is not recommended to use radiators to dry wet clothes. Radiators will create steam and condensation. This creates damp mould spores. Spores of mould cause serious lung infections. They hamper breathing and can be especially harmful to the infirm, old, and children.

Never hang your damp or wet clothes in windows, especially where the clothing is in full or plain sight of your neighbours. This is a breach of most residential landlord and tenant agreements, it is almost certainly a breach of the landlords lease, and it is definitely disrespectful to your neighbours and yourself. So have some self respect and keep you laundry out of sight.

The tenants in question have been hanging wet clothes in their landlords window for a long time, I have personally witnessed the build up of mould in their flat which had turned into black mould on the bay window. This is clearly a health and safety matter as it not only damages the flat, but creates unnecessary moisture.

6. How Are These Landlords Protecting Themselves From Their Antisocial Behaviours?

Typically these landlords are housing disadvantaged tenants, low on the socio economic scale, these tenants rarely complain to the housing authorities, or property management companies because of the fear of landlord reprisals. Landlords have their tenants over a barrel, as often they prepare the Housing Benefit claim Forms, for tenants, who are unaware of the money the landlord is receiving.

Slum Landlords will also play the innocent. Claiming that they provide high quality accommodation, and that they never never receive complaints. This is of course not true. It is better to report any valid complaints that you have about your antisocial tenants and neighbours to the Local Council, Property Manager or Police. Always document your complaints formally so that you can refer to this if and when you have to take matters further.

7. Is there anything we can do to protect ourselves against these slum landlords and the destruction they cause to the British Economy and decent UK Society as a whole?

Always make sure the property landlord is aware or complain about their anti social tenant. The landlord might actually not be aware of the problems his tenant is causing, but this is not genuinely the majority of cases. Just make sure that he is aware of your legitimate complaint, as I'm sure he would not wish his tenants to come down with lung infections. This might create a risk to him. These Landlords do not usually carry insurance to cover their neighbours and tenants, so be aware that if you get flooded, you might have an uphill battle to recover your costs.

If the landlord is unresponsive report him to the residents association, property or block manager or local council. You have the right to approach the Local Branch of your Citizen Advice Bureaux

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