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McFlys' BLOG ( 14 articles!) How To Deal With Anti Social Behaviour At Your Apartment Block - Views ( 1338 )


Property Managers and estate agents are often asked "How To Deal With Anti Social Behaviour At Apartment Blocks". This is a common problem, particularly in the Summer Months, when there is an increased tendency for people to loiter, sit outside drinking alcohol and vagrancy issues increasing.

The standard answer is to report all security incidents to the block manager in the first instance. Your block manager is paid to provide this service. They can deal with incidents of anti social behaviour at your block of flats or apartment complex, but only if the incident is reported. Particular issues arise with security doors, security locks and security gates which are there to protect apartment complexes.

Residents have found that security doors and gates frequently do not operate as they should. This leaves the block of flats or apartment complex open to the general public, vagrants and loiterers. Only recently a gardener at a local community apartment complex in south east London reported an incident where a member of the public simply walked into the carpark and used it as a toilet, (number 2!). This public defecation on a private apartment complex is quite rare but sadly where the Security Gates and Property Perimeter is not properly protected, these sorts of incidences are on the increase.

At one block in particular we noted a permanent lack of working gates. We recorded a substantial increase in anti social behaviour. Many builders from the neighbouring flats and groups of vagrants were spotted picnicking in the summer sunshine! These people have no rights to enter the perimeter of a Private Apartment Complex and are technically trespassing.

One resident said that mostly they are harmless however "we have had serious incidents in the underground in the past, because it is easy and convenient for trespassers to wander in off the high street as they wish".

We always believe it is advisable to CALL THE POLICE if you are in danger or witness aggressive behaviour. For all emergencies Call 999. and for non emergencies call your local police station to report incidences as well as reporting to your property manager.

So What's the law for Anti Social Behaviour on Your Property?

Under the new Act, police have the power to disperse individuals or groups causing or likely to cause anti-social behaviour in public places or common areas of private land.

Officers can tell people to leave a certain area under Section 35 of the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014.

Offenders who do not comply face up to £3,000 fine and or three months in prison.

I am not sure how this is enforced if at all, however.

How To Contact Your Safer Neighbourhood Team.

Please Report All Instances Of Anti Social Behaviour the the Safer Neighbourhoods Team at Your Local Police Station

It is Dangerous to approach Vagrants and Others that you do not know so, always report vagrancy and anti social behaviour to Your Local Property Manager and the Police

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McFlys' BLOG ( 14 articles!)

How To Deal With Anti Social Behaviour At Your Apartment Block - Views ( 1338 )

How To Deal With Anti Social Behaviour At Your Apartment Block

Welcome to the How To Deal With Anti Social Behaviour At Your Apartment Block Car Blog Last modified 2017-12-13


How To Deal With Anti Social Behaviour At Your Apartment Block

How To Deal With Anti Social Behaviour At Your Apartment Block, Last Modified, 2017-12-13

Property Managers and estate agents are often asked "How To Deal With Anti Social Behaviour At Apartment Blocks". This is a common problem, particularly in the Summer Months, when there is an increased tendency for people to loiter, sit outside drinking alcohol and vagrancy issues increasing.

The standard answer is to report all security incidents to the block manager in the first instance. Your block manager is paid to provide this service. They can deal with incidents of anti social behaviour at your block of flats or apartment complex, but only if the incident is reported. Particular issues arise with security doors, security locks and security gates which are there to protect apartment complexes.

Residents have found that security doors and gates frequently do not operate as they should. This leaves the block of flats or apartment complex open to the general public, vagrants and loiterers. Only recently a gardener at a local community apartment complex in south east London reported an incident where a member of the public simply walked into the carpark and used it as a toilet, (number 2!). This public defecation on a private apartment complex is quite rare but sadly where the Security Gates and Property Perimeter is not properly protected, these sorts of incidences are on the increase.

At one block in particular we noted a permanent lack of working gates. We recorded a substantial increase in anti social behaviour. Many builders from the neighbouring flats and groups of vagrants were spotted picnicking in the summer sunshine! These people have no rights to enter the perimeter of a Private Apartment Complex and are technically trespassing.

One resident said that mostly they are harmless however "we have had serious incidents in the underground in the past, because it is easy and convenient for trespassers to wander in off the high street as they wish".

We always believe it is advisable to CALL THE POLICE if you are in danger or witness aggressive behaviour. For all emergencies Call 999. and for non emergencies call your local police station to report incidences as well as reporting to your property manager.

So What's the law for Anti Social Behaviour on Your Property?

Under the new Act, police have the power to disperse individuals or groups causing or likely to cause anti-social behaviour in public places or common areas of private land.

Officers can tell people to leave a certain area under Section 35 of the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014.

Offenders who do not comply face up to £3,000 fine and or three months in prison.

I am not sure how this is enforced if at all, however.

How To Contact Your Safer Neighbourhood Team.

Please Report All Instances Of Anti Social Behaviour the the Safer Neighbourhoods Team at Your Local Police Station

It is Dangerous to approach Vagrants and Others that you do not know so, always report vagrancy and anti social behaviour to Your Local Property Manager and the Police

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How To Deal With Anti Social Behaviour At Your Apartment Block

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