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Myrkur the dark folk - Views ( 497752 )

Myrkur the dark folk

Welcome to the Myrkur the dark folk Music Blog Last modified 2021-08-12


Myrkur the dark folk

Myrkur the dark folk , Last Modified, 2021-08-12

Myrkur is the dark folk, a black metal musical project of Danish musician Amalie Bruun.

The real-life identity of the person behind the project was kept unknown, however her identity has since been made public. Myrkur has released two full-length studio albums to significant critical acclaim, as well as a live album and one EP.

Her most recent album, Mareridt, was released on 15 September 2017 through Relapse Records.

Delightful sadness to this instrumental piece.

Myrkur has been labelled; Death, Thrash or Heavy metal

It is not what you would normally associate with metal music described under the labels of Death, Thrash or Heavy metal. The word Fantasy Metal springs to mind as this gentle melody opens with mystical strings that take you on a soulful journey through a land of dreams and fears.

As the tempo takes hold you are carried along a gentle path which transcends from head to heart. The emotions elicited by the inclusion of pipes and whistles provide a sense of calm as you feel yourself being pulled into a light filled magic forest filled with spectacular flora and fauna from legends longs since forgotten.

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