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Black Panther Movie - Views ( 1181 )

Black Panther Movie

Welcome to the Black Panther Movie Music Blog Last modified 2018-02-18


Black Panther Movie

Black Panther Movie , Last Modified, 2018-02-18

its epic, I'm so excited i could fry an egg on the heat of my whatever.. anyway what exactly do I have to say that is worth your time and effort to read this article?

Er ohhhh snuggle puffle snots and grief, I find it hard to get relief, my stomach hurts and I can't believe my ineptitude oh my stomach hurts,


and If you think or even suspect that I am writing this whilst attending to important pottie bottie matters you just might be right correct or otherwise in the affirmative.

This week I was fortunate enough to get tickets to see the new Marvel superhero film, which is already breaking records at the box office. The movie is set in a fantasy fictional futuristic Nigeria a home to a number of kingdoms and tribal states over the millennia in Africa. The movie has been widely praised as a well-timed political commentary.

For some activists, however, Ryan Coogler's film and mostly black cast is much more than a refreshing comic book story that breaks down the stereotypical cast in an industry dominated by white film-makers.

The Afro-futurist film has sparked several renewed calls from the legal profession representatives of the families and civil rights leaders for the release of more than a dozen former Black Panther movement members incarcerated. The radical group was founded in 1966 in Oakland, California.

Black Panther the movie

is about this man which was a prince becoming a king and having to fight against claw a man which stole their vibrainium arm which is a (um iu oh i was thinking)Errr !! shhh which is a plastic fake arm with a vibrainium gun inside, and um thus other dude which is also part of the black panther tribe which for some reason is dumped in California born not dumped

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Black Panther Movie



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