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My Favourite Holiday Resorts

Welcome to the My Favourite Holiday Resorts Food Blog Last modified 2020-08-11

My Favourite Holiday Resorts


My Favourite Holiday Resorts, Last Modified, 2020-08-11

You have been asked to describe your favourite holiday destination. You choose to describe a beach resort.

My favorite holiday destination is the beach. A holiday on the beach gives me the chance to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Like many others, I long to hear the sounds of the waves crashing on the beach and feel the soft golden yellow sand under my feet. I simply love the beach!

My favorite beach resort is Batu Ferringhi. The scene on Batu Ferringhi beach is something I would love to capture on paper one day. I can see many activities going on in the sea and on the white sandy beach. There are people taking walks, or having picnics under shady trees, children are collecting seashells on the beach and some are building sandcastles. Regardless of what they are doing, everyone looks relaxed and in high spirits.

For some of them, there is nothing more relaxing than to close their eyes and sunbathe. They just lie in a deckchair, read a book or listen to the radio. Some just want to do nothing. In the clear blue sea, many exciting activities take place. There are people rowing canoes, swimming and fishing. The more adventurous would sea-dive or surf. Along the shoreline, mothers play in the water with their little children.

The beach is the most crowded in the evening when the sun is setting. As one stands on the shoreline, one can see the horizon and sunset. It is really such a beautiful sight. At night, it is common to see beach parties or barbecues full of happy people. They are dancing, singing and eating, all at the same time.

The beach is one place I can't seem to get enough of. To me, it is the best place to retreat to after the hectic life in the city. It is there I get my piece of mind and rejuvenation.

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