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Blog - Kate Moss

Welcome to the Kate Moss Blog Last modified 2017-10-10


Kate Moss

Kate Moss, Last Modified, 2017-10-10

If there is one thing I know, it is a talented fashion model. And they don't come more talented than Kate Moss. Kate is a Vogue fashion editor and is in a recent article she revealed why it is a perfect time for her new business venture.

In the loo of the disused former Aldwych Tube station, Kate Moss has just chopped off 20-year-old model Louis Baines's dark locks. "He's so pretty I had to mess him up a bit," she says.

It's a cold winter's afternoon and Kate is here in her role as a Vogue contributing fashion editor, working behind the camera rather than in front of it. But this year heralds another new chapter for 43-year-old Moss. that of model agent.

After 28 years being represented by Storm Models, she split from them last April. Several months later she quietly launched the Kate Moss Agency, of which Baines and Elfie Reigate, her 17-year-old goddaughter and daughter of her great friend Nineties model Rosemary Ferguson, are her first two signings.

When I first enter the Winnebago' both the models are being dressed, and her oldest friend, James Brown - the hairdresser for the shoot - is lounging on a small sofa chatting to Lila, Kate's 14-year-old daughter. Kate immediately bounces over and greets me with a huge hug. And then she launches into a stream of conspiratorial gossip, as if we've known each other forever.

The sing-song Croydon accent is still intact. She's wrapped up against the cold in dirty-green thick woollen vintage military overalls, cinched with a wide studded Alaia belt, and flat black boots. Her mussed blonde hair hangs loose over her shoulders.


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