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Gotham City Slots - Views ( 1034749 )

Gotham City Slots

Welcome to the Gotham City Slots Car Blog Last modified 2022-09-13 18:37:03


Gotham City Slots

Gotham City Slots, Last Modified, 2022-09-13 18:37:03

The new game under development is a version of the popular Batman themed classic arcade games.

This particular game is cool because you have the opportunity to win in so many combinations.

The game is designed to resemble a classic slots machine. It has nine squares each containing a picture of a character from the Gotham City movies or 70s TV series.

Of course, because this is a pay to play game you have as much chance of losing as winning so don't expect to quit the day job. Payouts are based on 3 rows 3 columns plus at least two ways to win on all "non row" or "non column" payout combinations.

Of course, the possibilities for payout options in such a game are endless, and the general theme with all of these digital coins or digital currency-based games is to keep it simple. It is not the intention to replicate a complex gambling machine.

Games are as much about digital coin trading as they are about game play. In other words, the game play is an integral part of the OMB Wallet Management System, this makes the entire system a complex economics game and certainly adds a new dimension. It feeds into the whole Game Portfolios thing... let me explain.

Game Portfolios.

To fully appreciate the Coin System, you should read the other articles which explain OMB Gamer more fully. But in summary there are several ways to generate OMB Coin. The quickest and most direct way is to simply purchase game tokens "OMBCash" and convert these to "OMBCoin". This is done at a conversion rate based on a linked basket of underlying assets.

The pegging of the currency value to an underlying basket of real assets makes the OMBCoin a "Stable Coin" by definition.

Stable Coin.

Just because a digital currency is called Stable Coin, does not mean the price never fluctuates. It merely means the price is based on or more likely underpinned by an underlying economic asset, which could be gold, commodities, currencies or stocks and bonds. These assets have price movements but are likely to be less volatile than purely speculative Non-Stable Coins for reasons I will explain.

Both Stable Coin and Crypto Currencies are for the most part digital assets, however we can differentiate Stable Coin from Crypto Currencies such as Bitcoin because one has an underlying economic or fundamental basis for its valuation, the other, generally speaking does not.

Economic assets tend to have an income stream associated with them. This means they can be valued using financial maths as the net present value of future incremental income streams using a discount rate which broadly reflects the cost of capital to acquire the assets in question.

An asset with no income stream associated with it cannot be valued in this way, and as such relies on speculative demand to arrive at a fair market price, a process known as price discovery. What is fair is anyone’s guess, but it is typically market based.

It is because of this inability to mathematically value speculative assets that causes shrewd investors such as Warren Buffet to famously avoid them.

Assets such as art, gold and many digital currencies have similar investment qualities in that they have no underlying basis for value other than speculative demand. In Amsterdam in the mid-1600s at one point the rarest Tulips were selling for 6 times the average person’s salary. Some Coin prices behave in a similar manner. By pegging digital asset prices to an economic asset provides a "basis for stability". This does not mean Stable Coins carry no risk, nothing could be further from the truth, however stable coins at least offer some basis for risk management.

Assets such as stocks or shares pay a dividend, corporate bonds pay interest and real estate pays rents, as such all can be defined as "income producing" assets. Income producing assets have an economic basis for valuation unlike typical Crypto Currencies or Art or Gold and Vacant Prestige Properties for that matter, which are largely based on little more than speculative expectations of future demand.

I would point out that the value of economic assets such as income producing property and securities can of course separate from their underlying or "intrinsic" valuations at times, this is what we call a price bubble, and history shows that price bubbles do eventually burst.

Is there a Business Case for Stable Coin?

Unlike speculative assets including most Crypto Coins there is a fundamental business case for stable coins. Stable coins are similar to economic assets primarily because they are essentially backed by economic or income producing assets.

Of course, the markets for stable coin are somewhat nascent and regulation thin on the ground, so to this extent it would be wise for most investors to treat even stable coin as speculative assets, for the most part in the short to medium term. The efficiencies to be gained by using stable coin for the gaming industry do however outweigh the risks in my opinion, to the extent they are viewed in this light.

So as a player who is willing to risk your coin you would be wise to take the usual risk management precautions. There are however other ways to generate coin with somewhat less risk than that afforded to the game player such as operating a game portfolio by hosting games...

What is a Game Host?

A game host holds and operates a portfolio of games with the intention of generating game returns, similar to any portfolio. Game hosts can either own a game outright or purchase the rights to the income streams generated from a game.

Game host earnings would be calculated as a percentage of the game OMBCoin takings. Not all games generate Coin Earnings, but for those that do, it works like this. Each time a game is played a fractional amount is paid to the game host in the form of OMBCoin. Payments happen in real time, so whether a player wins or loses a game, game fees are paid to the platform in the form of OMBCoin charges, and these fees are shared with the game host a bit like a revenue share, paid automatically into your Gamer Wallet OMBCoin Account.

Thus as a game host, whether that be the owner of the game or an influencer who purchased the rights to promote certain games as a portfolio to followers, you are likely to generate OMBCoin if people play your games...

Thirdly, in addition to Coin Fee sharing, game hosts can also receive "tips or subs" in the form of OMBCoin.

What are Game Subs?

Some games are "FREE to PLAY" and so the mechanism for tipping or subbing provides a way for game hosts to generate coin. Fans can simply visit a game portfolio and select to make a sub or tip. This shows appreciation for the creator and encourages them to continue creating quality content.

Coin generated from whatever source however all contributes to the overall "Return on Game Investment" (ROGI), and a diversified portfolio of successful games should hopefully generate a more predictable stable return for the host and the developer.

How do I Get a Game in my Game Portfolio?

To get started hosting games simply create a game. If you can code, make a simple game and add the URL to your portfolio using the forms provided. Adding games in OMB is a little like listing a product in your OMB Store or adding a Blog post in your OMB Blogger. There are some explainer videos demonstrating this, but more are to come.

If you do not code, you can find a game developer. A game developer who has created a game, can list the right to host their game in their OMB Store. All you must do is search the marketplace for game hosting opportunities and buy the license.

The OMB Marketplace operates an integrated PayPal payment processor to facilitate marketplace purchases. Game Licenses and Game Tokens can both be purchased from the Marketplace. You can follow this link to learn more about the OMB Marketplace.

So, remember just have a go and see if you like it. Play, host, or develop and find a way to make it work for you.

At the end of the day game hosting is influencing. To find users and generate Coins you will have to encourage those you know or those who follow you to play or sub your OMB Games or purchase products from your OMB Store. That is the essence of influencing. So, if you are not comfortable being an influencer, this might not be for you. But if you have a following or fancy that you could build one, then this is a genuine way to potentially earn digital coin.

Is this really Pay for Play?

There are many so called "Pay for Play" games out there in the broader game market that amount to very little in reality. If we look at Twitch Gamers for example, who play and promote themselves doing so, these gamers generate subs from fans who sub for viewing. In this regard the gamers are being paid to play.

The same could of course be said of YouTube game reviewers. Or any game journalist or critic. Pay is an indirect result of their playing and reviewing games and so amounts to the same thing. There is real time and effort and thus cost to produce the quality content these influencers make. From recording the action, editing and live streaming to fans, the time commitment is huge. Payments received from fans, advertisers and game developers is how the market rewards them for the effort.

This business model is remarkably similar to how sports stars have always been rewarded. Sponsorships from advertisers and fan payments, as well as the lucky few who get on the payroll of IMG or similar.

So, play if you enjoy and if you believe that you can turn a buck or a potentially convertible digital coin, then sure, why not try it...? I can think of far worse things to be doing.

So, until next time, play safe and keep it fun.

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