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Why Is Freshly Pressed Juice Is Better For Your Health - Views ( 83036 )

Why Is Freshly Pressed Juice Is Better For Your Health

Welcome to the Why Is Freshly Pressed Juice Is Better For Your Health Blog Last modified 2017-05-08

Why Is Freshly Pressed Juice Is Better For Your Health

Why Is Freshly Pressed Juice Is Better For Your Health

Why Is Freshly Pressed Juice Is Better For Your Health, Last Modified, 2017-05-08

Why Is Freshly Pressed Juice Better For Your Health?

Some people say that there is little or no evidence to support the fact that freshly pressed juice is healthier than eating fresh fruit.

Come on guys, this is rather stating the obvious isn't it? People who say this are missing the point. The clear advantage and possibly the most obvious reason for pressing fruit juice is to get it in you faster and in higher quantities and in a more enjoyable way.

Pressed juice is quite simply easier to consume, and as such we are more likely to consume it. It is too easy to forgo the recommended daily requirements when we are forced to eat large quantities of fruit that is not pressed, this is because so much of the fruit is bulk. Of course this bulk is good for us. Natural fibre and roughage is essential to our gut and bowel health, but if we want to make it easier to get those essential nutrients, you cannot beat the fruit press.

It's not so easy to consume a whole orange or a whole grapefruit, but press the juice and it can be drunk from a glass or enjoyed in a mocktail or cocktail .

What can we learn from the health and fitness industry?

Body builders and elite athletes of all kind have known this little secret for years. They are always to be found drinking shakes and pressed juices. It is a simple fact that more of the goodness can be input to your body and metabolised faster if it is pressed.

Of course if you let the juice stay out in the air for too long, it will loose some, if not all of the goodness, vitamins and minerals. This is the function of the fruit skin, it preserves the goodness. Which is why I like to keep whole fruit in the fridge. This means I don't necessarily have to refrigerate my freshly pressed fruit juice to make it cold and drinkable. My freshly pressed fruit juice is already chilled ready to drink immediately after it's pressed.

So if you are like me, then you will give this hint a try.

What re the downsides of freshly pressed fruit juice?

As fas as I can see the main downside is cleaning the fruit press. It only takes a couple of minutes, and the components are dishwasher friendly, however it is still and obstacle, albeit a small one. It certainly wouldn't put me off enjoying the taste and health benefits of freshly pressed fruit juice.

Freshly Pressed Fruit Juice Cocktails

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